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February 6, 2025
What’s New for FISP Cycle 10? Apparently, Nothing.

Our principals attended the ICRI’s “Ask the DOB: FISP & Beyond” session last week. We learned that, as of now, there are no substantive changes planned for FISP (Local Law 11) Cycle 10.

In any case, Cycle 10 begins soon (February 21st), and this table shows its sub-cycle schedule at a glance:

While there’s nothing new to note, here are a few things to remember:

“Fix, then file” is our handy mantra for building envelope maintenance in general. Facade “drops” used for proactive repairs can count toward required physical examination for Cycle 10. If you remedy any SWARMP conditions identified during Cycle 9 now, your building will be ahead of the game entering Cycle 10.

Conditions identified as SWARMP during Cycle 9 must be remedied by the “SWARMP recommended repair date” contained in the Cycle 9 report. Unrepaired conditions from any Cycle 9 sub-cycle default to Unsafe at the close of the corresponding sub-cycle in Cycle 10.

The DOB has hinted at possible mid-cycle changes, including modifications to the 60’ spacing rule for physical examination. We’ll keep you posted as they come to light.

SUPERSTRUCTURES has been performing mandated exterior wall inspections for NYC’s most prominent buildings since the inception of NYC’s first facade inspection law—Local Law 10 of 1980. Our experts can help you strategically and sensibly comply with FISP, while maintaining your facade in good repair.


SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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