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June 13, 2024
Raisin Standards

A mother sends her son to deliver a complaint to the baker: “Mom says there’s a fly in the raisin bread!”

At first, the busy baker ignores the complaint. So, the boy repeats, more loudly, “MOM SAID there’s was a FLY in the RAISIN BREAD!” Every customer in the bakery could hear.

Unable to ignore the boy any longer, eventually the baker looks up and says, “Fine. Bring me the fly and I’ll give you a raisin.”

It’s a classic joke, but there are two professional lessons here:

First, this kind of dismissive, overly literal response is the epitome of poor customer service. Second, and more significantly, there shouldn’t have been a fly in the bread in the first place.

In SUPERSTRUCTURES’ practice, our rigorous investigation process and production of exemplary construction documents (CDs) help ensure that there are no “flies” baked into our restoration solutions.

Ultimately, this joke underscores the importance of Quality Assurance and the reason we’re obsessed with detail. If there are no bugs in our CDs, they’re much less likely to be introduced by contractors executing the work.

SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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