
Reflections on the art and science of restoration, profiles of our projects, and discussions of issues in the profession.

May 15, 2017
Saving New York’s Historic Schools – SUPERSTRUCTURES Presents at AIA NY Program
Based on our extensive exterior restoration experience with the NYC School Construction Authority (SCA), SUPERSTRUCTURES was invited to participate at an AIA NY program titled “Rehabilitating New York’s Historic Schools.”
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May 12, 2017
DOB Offers New Tool to Track Sidewalk Sheds
The Department of Buildings recently published a link updating the public on metrics concerning Facade Inspection Safety Report results and sidewalk shed projects throughout New York City.
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May 1, 2017
Practical Probing - with an Assist from NDT&E
When situations require, SUPERSTRUCTURES uses exploratory probes to further our understanding of a building or structure, and the problems or conditions which may exist within. Our method of deploying probes, with the aid of our NDT&E equipment, minimizes their cost and impact.
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May 1, 2017
SUPERSTRUCTURES Recognized by GSA with Design Excellence Award
SUPERSTRUCTURES was awarded a GSA Design Excellence Award - Citation in Preservation (2016) for the commissioning services performed on the restoration of the Conrad B. Duberstein U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse. This is the second award the firm has won for this project, the first being a Lucy G. Moses Preservation Project Award (2014) from the New York Landmarks Conservancy. Built in 1892 and 1933, the Conrad B. Duberstein U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse in downtown Brooklyn is a National Historic Landmark. More than a half-million square feet, this Romanesque Revival-style building occupies an entire city block.
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March 29, 2017
Battery Park: An Award Winner
SUPERSTRUCTURES is proud to have contributed to an award winning project completed in Manhattan’s Battery Park. On March 16, the New York Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects announced winners of its 2017 Design Awards, with the “Battery Perimeter, Bikeway, Oval and Woodland” project receiving one of five Honor Awards. As sub-consultant to landscape architect Quennell Rothschild & Partners, SUPERSTRUCTURES provided conservation and restoration services for 11 monuments being relocated as part of the Battery Park re-design.
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March 9, 2017
DOB NOW Safety File Your FISP/LL11 Reports On-line Now!
In September 2016, the DOB launched its DOB NOW: Safety web portal. With DOB NOW, all FISP (Façade Inspection Safety Program) actions occur on-line. Building Owners (and Owner’s Representatives) and their inspecting professionals (QEWI’s) conduct all façade-related interactions with each other, and with the DOB, on DOB NOW. DOB NOW also provides the DOB an efficient method of tracking FISP/LL11- related data, including details of the FISP Reports as well as statistical information on QEWI’s, building Owners and their buildings.
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February 3, 2017
SUPERSTRUCTURES Launches New and Improved Website...
…and thanks for visiting. We're very pleased to launch and offer this new and improved website to our clients, prospective clients and all of those interested in our firm.
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January 17, 2017
The DOB Doesnt Send Birthday Cards... Initial FISP/Local Law 11 Reports for New Buildings
People usually think of FISP/Local Law 11 as mandating vigilance against bricks or terra cotta falling to the sidewalk from aging older buildings. Surprise! Many buildings as "young" as five years are also subject to the requirements of FISP. The Department of Buildings does not send birthday cards, so it falls to the building owner to check the calendar and file a timely FISP Critical Examination Report with the Department of Buildings (DOB).
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January 13, 2017
Author! Author! SUPERSTRUCTURES Architect Georg Windeck, RA, In Authorial Debut
An appreciation of building details and materials is cultivated in all the work we do as the region's leading firm specializing in exterior restoration. Not surprisingly, that same focus is the motivation behind Construction Matters, a new book by SUPERSTRUCTURES architect Georg Windeck, RA, published this spring by powerHouse Books.
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October 17, 2016
Lucy Moses Award for Restoration of "City's Greatest Architectural Achievement Prior to 1776" For the sixth consecutive year a project by SUPERSTRUCTURES received the Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award from the New York Landmarks Conservancy. The award was presented at a ceremony on April 28th in recognition of the exterior restoration of St. Paul's Chapel, an historic church in lower Manhattan which is part of Trinity Wall Street parish. The Lucy Moses Award is the Conservancy's highest honor for outstanding preservation.
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SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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