
Reflections on the art and science of restoration, profiles of our projects, and discussions of issues in the profession.

April 7, 2022
Building Expertise
IKEA features flat-packed furniture that you assemble yourself, saving money and giving you a bit of handyman satisfaction (and a collection of Allen wrenches). But the process of assembling a series of IKEA products comes with its own learning curve, one that illustrates the acquisition of expertise.
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April 4, 2022
Frost Jacking Day Tracker - 2021-2022 Season
SUPERSTRUCTURES is excited to launch the fifth season of the Frost Jacking Day Tracker. "Frost jacking" is what happens when freezing temperatures cause rain or snow to turn to ice and expand cracks in a facade. As cycles of freezing and thawing accumulate, the cracks continue to grow and exterior hazardous conditions or interior water damage or leaks can occur.
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March 31, 2022
Why Parking Garages Are Not the New Facades
Habitat magazine continues to characterize parking garages as “the new facades” with regard to their required inspections. They’ve raised alarms that city-mandated garage condition assessments are synonymous with periodic facade (FISP/LL11) inspections, but this equation is misleading. The comparison is reasonable to the extent that both facades and parking structures are subject to deterioration over time and mandatory inspections, but they also differ in important ways.
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March 24, 2022
Withering Heights
There’s a subset of LinkedIn posts that emphasizes the daredevil side of facade inspections with dizzying pics of rope access team members hanging high above the city. We understand that rope access has its thrilling side, but should it be the go-to method for facade inspection?
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March 17, 2022
Cornell Makes the Case for Drones
Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. That’s the essence of Cornell Tech’s research report, “Rebooting NYC,” which asks the City to give drones a chance by conducting a thorough study to see how their potential plays out for FISP facade inspections.
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March 10, 2022
Meet the A-Maze-ing Bucky
This is SUPERSTRUCTURES' unofficial mascot, Bucky. He's name after R. Buckminster Fuller and his innovative solution to this maze sums up our mission: why follow convention when there’s a better, more direct path?
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March 3, 2022
A Lot to Say, But Not Much to Tell
In Charles Dickens’ masterpiece, Bleak House, Mrs. Piper is said to have “a lot to say, but not much to tell.” We’ve encountered this quandary when performing peer reviews on unsuccessful restoration projects. Their specification books tend to be the size of an old Manhattan telephone directory—a proliferation of words (sometimes redundant, sometimes contradictory) in lieu of a tight set of drawings.
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February 24, 2022
FISP Fundamentals
Whether you’re new to New York’s Facade Inspection and Safety Program (FISP), or a veteran who could use a refresher on its current requirements, this short video will bring you up to speed.
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February 17, 2022
Celebrating Black History Month: The Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building
SUPERSTRUCTURES is proud to have worked on a number of projects related to the history and culture of Black New Yorkers. Among them is the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building in Harlem. SUPERSTRUCTURES provided investigation, design, and construction administration services to restore the facade and curtain wall of the 1973 structure.
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February 10, 2022
In for 2022: Outfrastructure
What is "outfrastructure?" When you hear the word infrastructure, you may think of roads, bridges, airports, and the like—the built environment that links our homes, stores, schools, offices, and cities together. But in an urban environment like New York, building envelopes—SUPERSTRUCTURES’ specialty—are infrastructure. We suggest adopting the term outfrastructure to make this relationship more evident.
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SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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