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May 6, 2021
Old News on IR

Habitat Magazine’s recent article on applications of infrared (IR) imaging touts the technology as “a new way” to find moisture. That’s curious, because SUPERSTRUCTURES has been using IR cameras to investigate water infiltration and other issues in building envelopes for nearly two decades.

IR cameras are versatile tools for analyzing building envelopes, whether it’s water infiltration through facades, deficiencies in roofing systems that allow water to accumulate under membrane layers, or vapor barrier breaches that can cause heating or cooling loss. For our entire staff, IR cameras are indispensable to our efforts to gather the maximum amount of information on building systems with a minimum of impact, one of several tools we use to see into roofs, facades, and interior ceiling, walls, and floors without a single penetration.

While some practitioners may be just now catching on to the usefulness of IR, SUPERSTRUCTURES was an early adopter of the technology. Today, it’s second nature—and integral to our ongoing efforts to advance the art and science of restoration.

SUPERSTRUCTURES Engineers + Architects

14 Wall Street, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10005
(212) 505 1133


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