Our prior “strategery” post was based on a term concocted for an SNL skit spoofing Geroge W Bush’s debate performance in 2000. But “misunderestimate” was a word Bush actually spoke during the campaign.
It’s also a useful concept in the practice of exterior restoration.
Contractors are obligated to produce results that conform to the engineers’ and architects’ (E/A’s) contract documents. If contractors misunderstand the scope of work to be performed, they may underestimate the means and methods required.
CD’s that clearly and completely delineate the scope of work allow the contractors’ estimators to properly anticipate the required work (rigs in simultaneous operation, lead times, permits, etc), minimizing cost and schedule overruns once the project begins.
SUPERSTRUCTURES consistently strives to produce CDs that minimize the likelihood that contractors will misunderestimate our intentions.
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